Linux Enthusiast


Are you an open-source geek?

Do you have the following joke on the wall above your bed?

#unzip; strip; touch; grep;

> finger; mount; fsck;

> more; yes; umount; sleep

Do you like to roll up your sleeves and get your hands on an advanced and large-scale Linux infrastructure?

If all of your answers above are “Yes”, then you are the one we need!

As a Linux system engineer you get involved in managing, improving and extending our Linux server park, which includes:

  • real-time monitoring infrastructure (icinga)- backup infrastructure (bareos and others)
  • performance and capacity monitoring (librenms)
  • configuration management and automation (ansible)
  • virtualisation (OpenNebula, KVM, Xen)
  • software-defined storage (Ceph, Linstore, DRBD)
  • network file systems (glusterfs, NFS, SMB)
  • firewalls (pfsense)
  • Web application servers (apache, nginx)
  • DNS servers (powerDNS)

The above list should make your mouth water…So, you've not browsed away yet? Great! Read on to find out what we expect from the ideal candidate for this role:

  • you have a bachelor or master degree in IT (or equivalent through experience)
  • you are a CLI-junkie with excellent linux implementation and analytical troubleshooting skills
  • you say "boot" instead of "hi", "shutdown -h now" instead of "bye"
  • you perform under pressure and take pride in getting things right first time
  • you like working in team, with other engineers and application developers
  • you like to challenge what exists today in order to improve it tomorrow
  • you are comfortable in English, both written and spoken in a technical business environment
  • you're keen on making things repeatable, modular and standardised
  • your wiki-based documentation skills are unmatched
  • you have a flexible working style and are open to occasional out-of-office hours work
  • you take ownership of the tasks assigned to you and see them through till the end
  • you are a quick learner and pick up new stuff easily

We offer you:

  • A challenging IT environment
  • An IT infrastructure constantly being improved and expanded
  • Exposure to lots of technically interesting stuff
  • Job security; we are looking for people who want to join the team for a long period of time
  • A career path: the more you put in, the more you will get out of it
  • A competitive salary in line with your competences and experience with the opportunity to grow in proportion with your skill set, motivation and the ownership that you take
  • Work hand in hand with our more senior professionals, who are eager to share their pearls of wisdom and experience
  • Small and independent teams, no big machinery.

About ITAF:

ITAF is an IT partner for SME, large enterprises and governmental organizations.

At this moment ITAF is based on two companies; one in Belgium and one in Serbia.

ITAF offers solutions in: ICT support, ICT Infrastructure, Cloud Services, Managed Services and Application Development.

We set-up and maintain complex IT services, support servers and networks on 24/7 basis, keep an eye on the business-critical applications of our customers around the clock and provide many other services which let organizations thrive in today’s fast-moving economy.

How to apply for this function?

Please apply electronically.

These questions are not about right or wrong but will give us a good idea of who you are.

It's important to have the right person for the right position!

If you already filled in a questionnaire in the past, please do not hesitate to do this again. We do not keep track of candidates who applied for a previous position.